Friday, June 27, 2014

What Has Changed: Orks HQ

In this post I will be discussing what has changed within the Orks leadership. I will be going over all of the HQ units so prepare yourself, it will be a long post. So without further adieu, lets get on with the show.

The Old
I wont be going over the nitty gritty details for the old units, but I will put in the important bits.

Ghazghull Thraka:
         Da Big Boss: Allows one Meganobz or Nobz mob to be taken as a Troop choice.
Ghaz was one of the most popular choices in the old codex since he was just a melee monster. Having a base of 5 attacks and a +2 on charge, he can chew up and spit out a baneblade for breakfast. He beefed up Waaagh by making it last for 2 turns and giving all ork units Fearless. His saving throws are also Invulnerable during his Waaagh. The only real downside to taking him was his points cost since it is pretty high up there for an ork.

Mad Dok Grotsnik:
         Da Big Dok: If taken, other mobs can take cybork bodies for +5 per model
MDG is an interesting character as he cannot be detached from the unit you put him in by his own choice. Once he is in, he cant leave till they are all dead. But he does bring in some nifty bonuses to the squad, Feel No Pain and Fearless. The really big downside for him is that him and his unit has to charge the closest enemy, which can just lead him around in circles at times if the army is mobile.

Wazdakka Gutsmek:
         Da Bike Boss: If taken, Warbikers can be taken as a troop.
One of the most used HQs, Wazdakka was a must for a biker army. Since he has Da Bike Boss, you are able to make a pretty damn powerful list of warbikers and nob bikers. With his Bike of the Aporklypse and Dakkacannon, he was no laughing matter even at range. In melee he was an even more powerful foe with a Power Klaw, 4 Strength, and a base of 4 attacks.

Old Zogwort
Old Zoggy is one of my absolute favorite HQ units. He has an appropriate amount of fun and competitiveness that made me want to bring him onto the field so much, but his high point cost was just too much to convince me to do so. Nest of Vipers gave him an additional D6 attacks that wound on a 2+ and Zogwort's Curse is a special psyker power that targets an opponents Independent Character. Both players roll a die. If the Ork player rolls higher then the IC is now a squig with only 1 wound and 1 attack.

         Da Big Boss
The classic HQ for all ork armies is the Warboss. He has a vast array of customizations that can fit into any type of HQ you are looking for. But everyone chose the melee or biker Boss since it is the best way to play him.

Big Mek:
         Da Big Mek: A single Deff Dread can be taken as a troop.
Another favorite of mine. The Big Mek is mostly a support HQ, bringing in either a Kustom Force Field, which gave Ork units within 6" a 5+ cover save, or the Shokk Attack Gun. I almost always bring the SAG, despite the gripe I get for not bringing a KFF. The SAG is just too much fun to use to not bring onto the battlefield and I have almost always rolled above 8 strength. Most don't take it since they deem it as too unreliable for their taste, which I understand as it is a big hit or miss.

Having its own psyker table, the wierdboy is a bit different. I personally never used them as I saw their potential on the field as too weak and too unpredictable for my own taste since they roll for a random power every turn. All in all, I'm sure they are a fun unit to play with, just never liked them.

The New

Ghazghull Thraka:
Still the same stats and points cost, but he lost Adamantium Skull so he no longer has a +2 attacks on charge so he is just a regular charge bonus now. He did gain Eternal Warrior and he is now a Lord of War, which I think is detrimental as cons far outweigh the pros for LoW. He lost Prophet of the Waaagh as a special rule, but he still has it has it is now a Warlord Trait that he has to take, but he now how Prophet of Gork and Mork which when you Waaagh! he gains a 2+ Invulnerable save on any turn he calls it on. Also Ghaz can run in the same turn as his Waaagh! and so can any Meganobz in his unit despite Slow and Purposeful. He can take items from the Runts and Squigs wargear list, but we will go over that in another post. Da Big Boss is no longer in the Codex as is any "Counts as."

Mad Dok Grotsnik:
Same points, lost Da Big Dok, and same stat line. One Scalpal Short of a Medpack better. Now it grants him and his unit Fearless and Rampage. He still cannot leave this unit under his own choice but him and his unit no longer must move the full distance towards the closest enemy, which was his biggest downside. If taken as a Warlord, he must take Brutal but Kunnin as his Warlord Trait.

Wazdakka Gutsmek:
The only thing about him is an honourable mention on the warbikers page. It seems he is no longer in the Codex.

Old Zogwort:
Same as Wazdakka. He is mentioned on the Weirdboyz page but thats it. No longer in the Codex.

Kaptin Badrukk
For some reason I forgot to put him in the old section. Oh well, I will still let you know whats changed. Not much has changed on him. Same stat line and costs 110 points. He has to take the Kunnin but Brutal Warlord trait. He did gain a Gitfinda which is great for him as he is a dakka Ork. Everything else is the same.

Boss Zagstruck:
Yes, he is now an actual HQ choice instead of an upgrade for Stormboyz. 20 points cheaper, is now Strength 5 instead of 4 but is now Leadership 8 instead of 9. Same gear except with the addition with 'Eavy Armor but he always had that, just was never written down. If taken as your Warlord he must take Bellowing Tyrant for his WT. Da Vulcha's Klaws have changed as it now states Hammer of Wrath attacks made by him are S8 and AP4. In the previous codex it used to allow him to strike at normal initiative with his Power Klaw.

Same stat line and points cost but lost Da Big Boss. Same starting gear and can Waaagh! but that was expected. He can take upgrades from the Ranged Weapons, Melee Weapons, Runts and Squigs, Orky Know-wots and/or from Gifts or Gork and Mork lists. He may also take 'Eavy Armor and he may replace his slugga and choppa for Mega Armor, TL Shoota and a Power Klaw. Pretty much the same upgrades expect he has access to relics and the new Gitfinda.

10 points cheap than before and retains the same stats. He is a Level 1 Psyker and can be upgraded to a Level 2. He generates warp 1 charge from every unit within 12" of him that have 'Ere We Go! with ten or more  models. If he generates bonus Warp Charge points, i.e. more than 1, he must pass a Psychic test or suffer a single S2 hit at the end of the Psychic Phase with no saves allowed. But it doesnt apply if he is in a transport or building. He generates his powers from the Powers of the Waaagh! and Daemonology disciplines. The Powers of the Waaagh! is the Orks own special psychic powers. They are pretty damn good and we will go over them at a later date.

Not the Big Mek but just a regular ol' Mekboy. He is pretty much the Ork version of a Techmarine. You may take one for every HQ choice you have in your detachment and they dont use up the Force Organization chart. With a stat line only being slightly worse than the Big Mek and has the same gear his it as well, it only costs a lowly sum of 15 points, it is a pretty good model to take. Its upgrades are a killsaw for his choppa, he can take grot oilers, and me may take any items from the Mek Weapons list.

Big Mek:
Same points cost and stat line as before, his starting gear is the same except for the addition of Stikkbombs He can take the 'eavy armor upgrade, KFF or a SAG, replace his choppa for a killsaw. He may also take items from Mek Weapons, Melee Weapons, Runts and Squigs, Orky Know wots, and Gifts of Gork and Mork. The SAG is now slightly cheaper but it does make a difference. He can also replace his slugga and choppa for mega armor, Kustom mega blasta, and a PK. With the Mega Armor he may take items from the Ranged Weapons, Runts and Squigs, Orky Know wots, and GoGaM. He can replace his KMB for a killsaw and can take a tellyporta blasta or a KFF.

Painboy is now an HQ choice costing 50 points. Same stats as before and can take upgrades from the Orky Know wots and Runts and Squigs lists. Same gear as before.

The Pros and Cons

  • Grotsnik no longer has to move as fast as possible towards the closest enemy.
  • Zagstruk is now an HQ choice
  • Weirdboy is cheaper
  • Meks can be taken as HQ but doesnt take up FO slots
  • SAG is cheaper
  • Painboy is now and HQ and IC 
  • Ghaz is a LoW
  • Wazdakka and Zogwort are gone
Feel free to let me know if I am wrong about anything or if you disagree with any of my opinions. I am always up for a good debate.


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