Saturday, June 28, 2014

Hobby: How I Paint Orks

So I thought I would post up how I paint my Orks. Now, I know this is not the best way, but it is at least a good one. I found this idea from a YouTube video a few years ago. It is primarily a wash guide so just stock up on all washes that will be needed as you will go through them decently fast. So this is what you will need:

  1. White Spray Can (I use Army Painter)
  2. Agrax Earthshade
  3. Biel-Tan Green
  4. Nuln Oil
  5. Druchii Violet (Only if it has a tongue showing)
  6. Leadbelcher
  7. Ironbreaker
Those are the must haves. Clothing will of course be up to you but I use:
  1. Mournfang Brown
  2. Steel Legion Drab
  3. Averland Sunset
  4. White Scar
  5. Evil Sunz Scarlet
Balthazar Gold is another paint I use for bullets and the like. Now onto the guide itself.

So first things first, give your model a nice white undercoat. It has to be white so the washes will comes through nice and neat with a bright colorization.
Next you will wash the entire model in Agrax Earthshade. Don't be afraid to use a good glob of it as you want to get it in all the nooks and crannies so it adds detail and muscle tone to the model. Let it rest for awhile so it drys, you want the entire model dry or you will mix paints in the next step.
Now you wash the skin in Biel-Tan Green. Be careful with its placement as to not have it spill onto the clothing and metal parts. Again, let it sit to dry.
While you let it sit, you can wash Druchii Violet on the Orks tongue, if it has one showing.
Then we paint all the metal parts and bits with Leadbelcher. Try to cover as best as you can.
Wash all metal parts and clothing in Nuln Oil. This will darken all of it and will add more pop to the skin. Let the model dry.
Now we move onto Klan colors. Your colors may vary but the concept is still the same. I am using Evil Sunz Scarlet on parts of the metal bits and parts of the armor as well. Don't worry if you paint over on other parts, it is an ork after all and their painting skills are piss poor at best.
Now we move onto the pants. I am using Mournfang Brown as its base. Do not paint the belts as it will look better in the end if it is not the same shade of brown.
After Mournfang Brown is dry, you will dry brush all of the pants in Steel Legion Drab. For those of you that don't know what dry brushing is, all you have to do is make sure you paintbrush is completely dry. Then get a good amount of paint onto the brush, then either pad the brush on a napkin (or whatever your method is to clean a brush) to the point where it is nearly dry. Then paint the part in quick strokes.
 Next I started on the shirt. I am using Averland Sunset to get a nice brownish yellow look. Do not paint into the folds so the Agrax and Nuln Oil still shows within them.

 Be careful as not to paint on other parts as it does border most of the model.
Next I painted the icons, glyphs, skull, and loin cloth White Scar. Try to not put the paint in any of the crevices so it gives it a nice shade of detail.
Last but not least, dry brush all metal parts with Ironbreaker. This will add a worn effect to the metal parts and just give it more feel. Right after that you will ruin the entire model. Wash the model in one final coat of Agrax Earthshade. This will make the model feel more alive as it will meld all the colors together and give it a dirty look.
Congrats! You just finished your Ork. You can easily paint 10 Orks in an hour once you get used to the sequence. It is not the most detailed model, but with horde army we don't have the luxury of spending a whole lot of time on a single model. To go through models faster, you can do 1 step at a time for each squad and just move down the line like a conveyor belt. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this method, back to reading the new Ork Codex for me.


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